LAGOS, NG - OCTOBER 11, 2022: Group photograph of activists, volunteers and community members of Ilaje community during climate caravan activity on October 11, 2022 in Ilaje, Lagos State, Nigeria. A meeting was held by stakeholders and community leaders to know and understand the problems faced in the community before walking through the community to see affected areas. CREDIT: Taiwo Aina for Oxfam Novib
While the wealthiest in the world contribute most to climate change, It’s the poorest and most marginalized who pay the highest price. 26 million people are forced into poverty every year because of natural disasters, and humanitarian crisis linked to extreme weather requires nine times more funding today than 20 years ago.
Climate change is at crisis levels, doing irreversible harm to people and our planet, and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Not only is it ruining lives of the poorest and most marginalised people, but these same people – who have contributed least to causing this crisis – are paying the highest price for its impacts.
Rich countries and corporations most responsible for the climate crisis are failing to pay for the harm climate change is causing around the world, even fiercely resisting progress towards real solutions. Change is possible. But there is a long way to go.
Africa Climate Caravans
The Caravans are a virtual “road show” that will seek to galvanizeq the cross-country stakeholder voices, with an aim of telling the African story while making known the demands of Africa among its inhabitants and the rest of the world. It’s a call for climate justice, justice for those least responsible, most affected by climate change who are also the source of climate solutions and resilience leaders.