
  • More than 1.5 million people without running water in Aleppo for five days

    5 October 2016
  • Oxfam to provide safe water to 10,000 people in Ecuador

    23 April 2016
  • Water high priority in Cyclone Winston response

    23 February 2016
  • Habodo outside her shelter with two of her children, Habiiba* (3 ½ months) and Saafi* (6), near Bisle, Siti Zone, Ethiopia.

    Drought and Displacement: how people are surviving in Ethiopia

    16 February 2016
  • El Niño: The case for urgent action

    El Niño: The case for urgent action

    16 December 2015
  • Louise holds a jerry-can full of clean water in Buporo camp, Eastern Congo. Louise lives next to a tap-stand provided by Oxfam. It is one of four tap-stands in Buporo camp, which supply close to 4000 people with clean water.

    Humanitarian Key Facts

    18 August 2015