
  • Water crisis in Burkina Faso

    Water crisis in Burkina Faso: a struggle for every drop

    9 March 2020
  • A child at a tap stand in Hassansham camp, Iraq. Credit: Tegid Cartwright/Oxfam

    Water and sanitation

    21 September 2019
  • Oxfam in Syria Public health Promotion focal point in Aleppo. Sana Majeed is 24 years old. Her job is to increase awareness in communities in Aleppo to improve health and prevent the spread of disease. Credit: Islam Mardini/Oxfam


    4 April 2019
  • Oxfam recently started the construction of a more than 100-kilometres-long gravity-fed water supply system, that will provide safe water to some of the most remote locations in DRC.

    Saving lives with water: support Oxfam’s longest ever pipeline in DRC

    19 March 2019
  • onl_16966_niger_yagana.jpg

    Building climate change resilience in Niger to keep hunger away

    11 December 2018
  • Ayesha, réfugiée Rohingya, avec ses filles à l’intérieur de son abri dans le camp de Cox's Bazar, au Bangladesh. Crédit : Maruf Hasan/Oxfam

    Breaking barriers for Rohingya refugee women

    12 September 2018