extreme inequality
21 January 2019
Reducing inequality: what is your country doing to tackle the gap between rich and poor?
8 October 2018 -
Closing the divide in Malawi
24 April 2018 -
President Trump touts his 'Billionaires First' policy in Davos
26 January 2018 -
Richest 1 percent bagged 82 percent of wealth created last year - poorest half of humanity got nothing
22 January 2018 -
Reward work, not wealth
22 January 2018 -
“One pair of shoes that we make is valued more than our whole month’s salary”
12 January 2018 -
Taxing for a more equal Kenya: a five-point action plan to tackle inequality
6 December 2017 -
Kenya: extreme inequality in numbers
5 December 2017 -
Stopping the Scandals: five ways governments can end tax avoidance
8 November 2017